FirstPersonController PanAngle Problem

Software: Away3D 4.x

Morpheusz, Newbie
Posted: 31 October 2012 05:53 PM   Total Posts: 13

He everyone!!!

After 360 degree the cameracontroller jumps a big one, anyone knows why?

I am making a joy controller to my ipad base of the Advanced terrain where away uses FirstPersonController.

I add value to the PanAngle that way it can look up down wherever you want, but that sucky jump is anoying.

Anyone can help me?

Thank you!


Manuel L., Member
Posted: 27 November 2012 08:24 AM   Total Posts: 99   [ # 1 ]

i think i have the same problem ... when turning 720 degrees it looks like jumping back to 360 degrees. this is not useful. is there any solution for this?


Donny, Jr. Member
Posted: 28 November 2012 03:36 AM   Total Posts: 34   [ # 2 ]

Looking at the wrapPanAngle in HoverController may provide some answers


Manuel L., Member
Posted: 28 November 2012 02:56 PM   Total Posts: 99   [ # 3 ]

hmm so in hovercontroller you can activate the wrap, but in firstpersoncontroller it is activated automatically and there is no option to deactivate.
do you know how to do it by hand? is it possible?


Manuel L., Member
Posted: 28 November 2012 03:08 PM   Total Posts: 99   [ # 4 ]

i`m sorry, you gave the right answers. looking at hovercontroller did it.

i dont see any good reason for this wrapping function but okay, now its good smile
if the jump from -180 to 180 would not be visualized it would make a sense to me, but with this tweening its not really useful ^^

thank you



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