General discussion (with demo link) for converting sudo-3D project into an Away3D project?

Software: Away3D 4.x

owntheweb, Jr. Member
Posted: 31 October 2012 03:13 PM   Total Posts: 32

I could use some general thoughts (no specific examples needed) on how to transition this project:
into an Away3D project.

You’ll notice in the link above that I positioned some flat movieclips in 3D space, working great with exception of my lines disappearing when viewing the flat clips at 90 degree angles, and some sluggishness.

Eventually this will be a mouse enabled touch screen interface of a kiosk, rotating a much larger projected sphere in front of the Kiosk (cool!):

I’m not a fan of the visible triangles with the ColorMaterial I usually see in examples. Would another material such as WireframeMaterial work better in some way? Should I extend a class to hide inner triangles if that is possible? (not end of the world otherwise)

For the degree markers, I imported those from Illustrator. Should I be drawing lines in 3D space instead somehow to not look so flat?

Thanks for the feedback in advance!! :D


owntheweb, Jr. Member
Posted: 01 November 2012 06:26 PM   Total Posts: 32   [ # 1 ]

Cancel that. I’m getting the hang of things. I’ll post more specific questions shortly. wink



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