Bound size issue, bound is much bigger than the object on scene.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Biegzie, Jr. Member
Posted: 30 October 2012 09:14 PM   Total Posts: 39

I’ve loaded an awd file into scene, and when i use the bounds on it’s Mesh, it renders a nice (wireframe) bound around the object. When I ask what its max and min of that bound is. I go a size much greather than the object on the scene. For example, a house is scaled down by 0.001, and is now about 40 meters. The bounds max en min are hugely different, and still it’s wireframe representation is correct. also the maxX (etc) values of the mesh aren’t correct eigther.

Any ideas?


Biegzie, Jr. Member
Posted: 31 October 2012 08:01 AM   Total Posts: 39   [ # 1 ]

Ok i have figured it out i gess…

When scaling a awd container down (like 0.01)

When using its bounds, you need to manually scale them down as well, showbounds looks stupid and incorrect, but the values max en min are correct. If you’ll not scale the bounds down manually, the values were 100 times to large (even tough the showbounds looked correct).

Maybe this is a bug to overcome in the next release admins wink



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