overall lighting & atmospheric aberration effect

Software: Away3D 4.x

doomdrake, Newbie
Posted: 29 October 2012 10:46 AM   Total Posts: 14

  I am trying to reproduce the atmospheric aberration effect from the intermediate_globe example. I have shamelesly copied the material modulation methods there but to no avail since i keep getting a “disc in the middle of the sphere” effect. I understand everything except the shading techniques in that example ( doubt i’ll ever understand those functions lol ).
  Anyway, i’m not intent on using the shading functions ( i still have a little pride left raspberry ) but i would be glad and ver VERY grateful if i could achieve the same effect with a sphere and a color material :D

  Also, how could i increase global lighting ? My scene has 1 PointLightSource ( to simulate the sun ) and so far it does a wonderful job except for the fact that ambient maps in particular appear very dark.

Below is the configuration of the light source

var light:PointLight = new PointLight();
light.fallOff light.radius int.MAX_VALUE;
light.ambientColor 0xffffff;
light.ambient 10;
light.diffuse 2;
_lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker([light]); 

I have attached an archive with some screenshots since a picture is worth a thousand words ( well i have 3 in there ) and i couldn’t figure out how to attach them effectively to this post raspberry

Thanks guys !


File Attachments
issues.rar  (File Size: 369KB - Downloads: 0)

doomdrake, Newbie
Posted: 31 October 2012 04:39 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 1 ]

So i take it that the only course of action (for lighting up the maps) would be to change them in Photoshop ( ugh ).
And for the atmosphere thing, i guess i’ll let it drop since a sphere with inverted faces doesn’t get me the desired result…maybe i’ll outline them or something ( even though that is in no way related to the physics aspect of the “glow” ) since i’ve seen that it’s the only solution provided in numerous other threads about atmosphere ( none very helpful tbh ).

Thanks anyway for providing an awesome tool for 3D in flash, even though it lacks some tools for the “3d-calculus and shader generation” impaired part of the coders. smile



John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 31 October 2012 06:00 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 2 ]

Bit confused as to what the whole question is, but as for the ambient maps.

Been doing an earth mapping thang and used robs code, had the same issue of the ambient (night time earth lights) being too dark.
I actually needed to fade these out for certain zoom levels.

The basic ambient method its either by color or texture.
So setting the ambient or color when your using a texture has no effect.

One work around was to add a directional light that copies the cameras forward vector.
You can then use that to change the ambient level of the texture.

ps forum doesnt do rar



doomdrake, Newbie
Posted: 01 November 2012 03:05 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 3 ]

Thanks for the reply smile
Sorry if my post was a bit jumbled, wrote it in a hurry and sorry about the .rar thing raspberry.

Since the lighting issue was intelligible and i don’t really know how to explain the atmosphere thing better, i’ll attach one of the pics in that .rar and hope that it provides a better explanation than me (it’s only the .jpg, forum should handle that raspberry ) smile

Regarding the camera light vector, would it provide a global illumination or just what it “hits” ? I’m having trouble understanding this a bit since in all the modelling programs more light = more illumination / brightness raspberry

Thing is i could always modify the maps (even through BitmapData), but i would prefer to use Away3D’s way of doing things, since what would be the point of using it if i wouldn’t do that.

Again, thanks for the reply !




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