First Person Collision Detection

Software: Away3D 4.x

Manuel L., Member
Posted: 17 October 2012 10:03 AM   Total Posts: 99

Hey guys, i have a question about collision detection with firstpersoncontroller.
The as3-programming thing is not my problem, its more a “thinking-problem”.
Maybe someone can help me thinking ^^

I am able to ask for collision, and if collision is detected i use a boolean variable. this works fine, but when the boolean variable is set to “true” and the “walking” is disabled, its too late, cause then i am not able to go on walking.
do you know what i mean?

through the boolean variable walking is disabled completely, but only walking in the specificdirection should be disabled.

somewhere has to be the trick, cause it works for others wink

greetz manu


GoroMatsumoto, Sr. Member
Posted: 18 October 2012 09:39 AM   Total Posts: 166   [ # 1 ]

Do you use any physics engine?
if you have not, I recommend using it.

‹‹ Loader3DEvent error


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