Isometric Games with Away3d

Software: Away3D 4.x

Wildwess, Newbie
Posted: 09 October 2012 10:18 AM   Total Posts: 3

I want to make an isometric game and I have some questions about it.

The only difference between an isometric game and normal game is their camera?

I mean when I change a normal away3d game’s camera to Orthographic, can I say now it’s an isometric game?

If not what are the other things that must be done?

And what are the advantages and disadvantages between and isometric and normal game that made with away3d?

Before looking away3d I look for 2d isometric engines and most of them restricted with 8-Direction and tiles. I don’t wanna have tiles and I want to have 3d models directly without rendering and using their bitmap version so I wanna make it with away3d.


Alex-Crafter, Newbie
Posted: 09 October 2012 01:15 PM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 1 ]

The old 2.5D isometric games, were a fake 3d, simulating an isometric view. They were composed of bitmaps that gave the illusion of 3d.
You can create an isometric game with away 3d if you distance the camera from the floor plane and set it to Orthographic projection.
You have many games with this kind of view, like Neverwinter Nights, but they didn’t use the ortographic projection, because of the added depth that a perspective projection can give.


Wildwess, Newbie
Posted: 11 October 2012 10:32 AM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 2 ]

So for performance which will be better? If I make this game 2d, it will have 16 or 32-Direction movement so 32 bitmap for every character but with 3d I only have to use a model.



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