Problem with exporting animation from 3ds max

Software: Away3D 4.x

Kabicek, Newbie
Posted: 24 September 2012 09:32 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hi, I’m new to the awd exporter in 3ds max and just wonder if there’s a simple tutorial or some additional documentation on incorporating animation to objects/characters. I’ve done the workflow tut and successfully exported the example file to both prefab 3d and html. When I try to export my own files no animation will play, and yes, I’ve double-checked that my sequence.txt file corresponds to the animation - naming and everything is good. I’ve also exported a fbx that works with no problem in unity. So my question is: Have I forgotten somthing vital in the way I apply the animation in max? - I’ve used the motion mixer… Or is there a certain object hierarchy that needs to be established?
I made a simple test scene with a ball bouncing in a 15 frames loop. No animation will show…




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