Help needed porting MovieMaterial to Away3D 4

Software: Away3D 4.x

netphreak, Newbie
Posted: 23 September 2012 08:54 AM   Total Posts: 10

I’m currently trying to port over the Away3D 3.6.0 MovieMaterial to Away3D 4 release - and am facing some problems positioning the MovieClip’s correctly so they match the position and size of the Plane geometry:

private function onMouseMove(event:MouseEvent3D):void
  x = event.uv.u*_renderBitmap.width;
  y = (1 - event.uv.v)*_renderBitmap.height;

  if (_transform) {
  t = _transform.clone();
  movie.x = event.screenX - x*t.a - y*t.c - t.tx;
  movie.y = event.screenY - x*t.b - y*t.d - t.ty;
  } else {
  movie.x = event.screenX - x;
  movie.y = event.screenY - y;

Part of the problem is event.uv.(u) and (v) - which are not available in Away3D4.

By replacing them with (x) and (y), the MovieClip is never correctly alligned with the mouse position.

Any help would be apperciated.



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