Away3D 3.6 and Prefab 1 - Model deformed in Flashplayer after AS3-export from Prefab

Software: Away3D 3.x

Benjamin, Newbie
Posted: 19 September 2012 11:10 AM   Total Posts: 7

Hi all,

I have a Blender-model of the character “E”. The “surface” is made of separate Meshes because later I will need them as separate objects.

I export the model from Blender in 3ds-format and import it within Prefab 1. looks pretty good (pls see 1. attached image below).

Now I export the model as AS3-class (only geometry) and display it in Flashplayer. Strange things are happening - some of the meshes are rotated and even deformed (see 2. image).

Can anyone tell me what’s the matter? Thx in advance for any help!





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