I don’t understand WireframePlane orientation property.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Alex, Newbie
Posted: 19 September 2012 08:21 AM   Total Posts: 2

Hi to all!
please explain me why WireframePlane orientation doesn’t changes by applying rotation…
for example:

var wire:WireframePlane=new WireframePlane(400004000040400x808080);

the first trace output is: ‘YZ’ (ok)
but why after applying wire.rotationZ=90;
the second trace output still ‘YZ’ (i expect ‘XZ’)


80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 19 September 2012 03:48 PM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 1 ]


i think thats the way its supposed to work.

the plane.orientation property defines the planes pivot (e.g. the geometrys space). for example xz means the pivots y axis is pointing away from the plane at a right angle, while x and z axis are on the plane.

if you rotate the wirefameplane, you rotate its pivot together with the geometry, so the orientation will not change. the y axis will still be at a right angle to the plane.

right now i dont know of any way inside of away3d to rotate the pivot of an object, while not rotating the geometry inside (what would change the orientation).

the orientation is descripted as XY,XZ,ZY, so there is no way to apply rotation other than 90 degrees steps to it.

hope that makes sense and helps.


sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…



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