mapping an image on a 3dmax file

Software: Away3D 4.x

puratugezgin, Newbie
Posted: 10 September 2012 10:36 PM   Total Posts: 2

hi guys
I am trying to attach a bitmap image on a 3d max model, I am using away3d 4x(away3d-core-fp11-4.0.0_beta.swc). The main problem I ve seen is the bitmap never fully covers the mesh so you see the black edges of the model
is this a common bug away3d has when using 3d max models? Would that make   any difference if I use .obj file?
Thanks in advance


puratugezgin, Newbie
Posted: 10 September 2012 11:57 PM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 1 ]

Ivan Moreno, Newbie
Posted: 11 September 2012 08:20 AM   Total Posts: 22   [ # 2 ]


I’m not sure how exactly looks like, but with your description I would say is an UV unwrapping problem. The easiest and fastest way to fix it is to redo the process in your 3D modeling software or by going over the edges of your mesh when you apply a material in photoshop for example. When you render to texture though you can fix this by increasing the padding property (usually is set to 2, you can put it to 3 or 4).

Is it possible to add the images of how it looks the texture applied to the model? and a print screen of the texture with the UV layout?




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