MouseEvent Click and overlapping objects

Software: Away3D 4.x

edimov, Newbie
Posted: 09 September 2012 10:08 PM   Total Posts: 2


I’ve really struggled with this, and read and searched to no avail - hence posting here smile

The problem is when I have say two meshes loaded from .awd file and one of them is position in the middle of the other.

In other words - the first mesh has an arc-like geometry and the second one fits inside. I want to detect click on the inner mesh - but apparently the click gets picked up by the “arc” mesh. The two meshes are separate from each other (see the screenshot attached).

I’ve tried setting

mesh.pickingCollider = PickingColliderType.BOUNDS_ONLY;

.. and actually all of the PickingColliderTypes smile bot nothing seems to work.

I’ve wireframed the objects on the screenshot for better view - the idea is that from position one, I need to click on the “cushion” and select it, but when I do, the “base” mesh gets the click event.

I hope the explanation makes sense



edimov, Newbie
Posted: 11 September 2012 06:12 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 1 ]


So maybe the explanation was so out of this world, that no one even bothered repllying smile

I found the solution here:

for those of you that might be looking at the same thing.

I should’ve just set the view.mousePicker = PickingType.RAYCAST_BEST_HIT;



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