I am using LinearExtrude, SkinExtrude, DelaunayMesh to create a shed.
Now what i want to do is to change the Vectors. Can i change a particular Vector3d in my vectors array.
var pillarPath1:Vector.<Vector3D> = Vector.<Vector3D>([ new Vector3D(-_shedWidth, 0, -_shedLength), new Vector3D(-_shedWidth, _wallHeight, -_shedLength) ]);
pillar1 = new LinearExtrude(GVC.offMaterial, pillarPath1, LinearExtrude.X_AXIS, _roofTopHeight, 1, false, GUTTER_WIDTH, 3, null, false, false, "", false);
How can i change any of the vector3d inside the pillarPath1 and then apply to the pillar1 after it has been added to the scene?
I hope i explained it well.