LinearExtrude, SkinExtrude, DelaunayMesh. update Vector3D after the Mesh is added to the scene

Software: Away3D 4.x

Tayyab, Member
Posted: 06 September 2012 12:49 AM   Total Posts: 72

I am using LinearExtrude, SkinExtrude, DelaunayMesh to create a shed.

Now what i want to do is to change the Vectors. Can i change a particular Vector3d in my vectors array.

var pillarPath1:Vector.<Vector3D> = Vector.<Vector3D>(new Vector3D(-_shedWidth0, -_shedLength), new Vector3D(-_shedWidth_wallHeight, -_shedLength]);

pillar1 = new LinearExtrude(GVC.offMaterialpillarPath1LinearExtrude.X_AXIS_roofTopHeight1falseGUTTER_WIDTH3nullfalsefalse""false);


How can i change any of the vector3d inside the pillarPath1 and then apply to the pillar1 after it has been added to the scene?

I hope i explained it well.



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 06 September 2012 08:20 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

`The vectors are used to build the geometry. You can either destroy and rebuild with modified information, or modify the geometry by directly accessing the vertexData buffer stored into the subGeometry(ies) and updating them.


Tayyab, Member
Posted: 06 September 2012 11:56 AM   Total Posts: 72   [ # 2 ]

Thanks fbrice, I would probably for destroying and building it again.



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