Away3D Cube manipulations

Software: Away3D 4.x

srj_codez, Newbie
Posted: 26 August 2012 05:32 AM   Total Posts: 4

hey , Am building an app for 3d room plan . And the walls of the room ,
are made using the Cube3D in away 3D .

What I need is to set a transparency to one side of the cube and other set to
opaque. Its not possible in real world.

Anyways what I need is like when , I view the room from outside ,
I should be able to view what is inside the room . Using Camera Controller ,
I pan the camera to view the room from different angles . So in each Angle I need the wall that’s blocking to be made transparent .
Exactly like in

Any leads on how to try to do it .. would be helpful coz.. I gotta include lotta other features.. n not much time in detailed learning about cube3D capabilities ..



Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 29 August 2012 05:58 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 1 ]

You will need to make the cube from 6 planes, sized and rotated correctly.

I made a class that makes a cube from 6 planes, but obviously with the planes facing outwards.

It should be quite easy to adapt that to flip those planes over, which will achieve the result that you are after, and also has the benefit that each plane can have its own material and eventlistener…



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