alphaBlending plane material

Software: Away3D 4.x

oladitan, Member
Posted: 23 August 2012 06:04 PM   Total Posts: 71

hello. I have some plane meshes with texture that have some parts that have zero opacity. the planes are stacked one ontop of another. I would like to see through the zero opacity parts of the plane to the one underneath. currently I am using alphaBlening = true and bothSides=true for the planes material.

I am having an issue where the zero opacity parts of the planes are still blocking the plane underneath. The occluding parts of the plane somtimes end up with the same color as the background color, and somtimes block the plane underneath with just the shape of the occulding plane, it gets skipped and the second plane behind it can be seen.

I export the scnene as one .obj and apply the textures in my asset complete function.

somtimes when I delete the meshes in blender and reexport this corrects itself. But this is not ideal. Is there a way to fix this?

just found out.

occlusion occurs in the order which the objects are created.

if i dont want occlusion, in blender i have to create planes in the reverse order in which they will be stacked. the last object created should be the first on the stack. in prefab 3d this type of manipulation is not neccesary. there no issues with texture opacity, just when i compile my own code. thank you.



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