Error in compiler output

Software: Away3D 4.x

ganesh, Member
Posted: 21 August 2012 07:05 PM   Total Posts: 54

just today I downloaded away gold version, and tried my hand with this first tutorial on the site Away3D Project Creation in Flex 3. And on first attempt my output panel filled with errors. the errors are like this

1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program. (3 times, line 210)
1100: Syntax error: XML does not have matching begin and end tags. (6times, line 210)

when I clicked on errors it takes me to this function below
class SingletonEnforcer {} and the file where this code is written is “”. this file is located in src/away3d/core/managers/

I am sure that have setup library and document class path properly otherwise I would not be redirected to proper file location..

software used = adobeflash cs4, away3d gold

Any help is appreaciated..


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 22 August 2012 06:24 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Have you configured CS4 to be able to compile for Flash Player 11 and Stage3D? Have you tried with any other Stage3D libraryes, e.g. starling or earlier versions of Away3D 4.x?



ganesh, Member
Posted: 22 August 2012 06:15 PM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 2 ]

1. Have you configured CS4 to be able to compile for Flash Player 11 and Stage3D?

in flash CS4 in Publish Setting, I can choose only upto flashplayer 10, there is no flashplayer 11 there. Sorry I dont know where to configure Stage3D.

2 Have you tried with any other Stage3D libraryes, e.g. starling or earlier versions of Away3D 4.x?
No, I tried but could not find previous version on this site.

I am googling your query hope to find some solution, and plz suggest some solution.



ganesh, Member
Posted: 23 August 2012 03:20 AM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 3 ]

Hi, Admin

I followed Thoug.h I could not install FP11Publish_cs5.mxp, but in now in flashplayer publish setting I can select flashplayer11, I know that inbuilt player of flashcs4 is still flashplayer10 so may see errors in compiler, but in published html I see only blank, please guide how to fix it, or please provide link earlier version of away 3d.

I have not started learning it and now I think I have to choose alternate options of engines..(sadly)

Error: 1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before rightbrace.
files : and



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 23 August 2012 09:44 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 4 ]

Compiler errors are not affected by which player your SWF subsequently runs in. If the compiler fails, there will be no SWF.

It sounds like you didn’t succeed entirely in setting up the compilation for Flash Player 11. Can you try compiling anything else that requires Flash Player 11, e.g. something as simple as a FLA with the following code in it:

import flash.display.Stage3D;
Stage3D stage.stage3DS[0]



ganesh, Member
Posted: 23 August 2012 06:15 PM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 5 ]

Yes, you are right though I can see Flashplayer 11 in publish setting, but I am afraid it was not properly configured, cause I could not pass all the steps of configuring it, When I copy pasted you below code again I got error,

import flash.display.Stage3D;
var s : Stage3D = stage.stage3DS[0]; 

error : 1119: Access of possibly undefined property stage3DS through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage.

Now, I just want to know how can I configure FlashCS4 with flashplayer 11.
rest can be sort out easily…



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 24 August 2012 07:02 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 6 ]

I’m afraid I can’t help you with CS4 configuration. You’re gonna have to wait for someone else to reply, try to follow the tutorial/guide again, or upgrade to a more recent version of Flash Pro.



ganesh, Member
Posted: 24 August 2012 06:58 PM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 7 ]

Finally, I can execute Away3d 4Gold with AdobeFlashPro6, it natively supports flashplayer 11. Thanks away team

Well, I started practicing away with Away3D Project Creation in Flex 3, and I successfully created the first 3d scene in away. Thanks to Alejandro Santander the Tutorial provider. But in my stage xyz scale showed on topleftcorner, I cant understand what stage size should I take to bring the scene at the center, just because this I am unable to see the globe.

2ndly, I tried 3D Object Animation, But during test I got an error

code :  import away3d.core.math.Number3D;
error : 1172: Definition away3d.core.math:Number3D could not be found.

then I checked in folder away3d>core>math.. and surprisingly there is no such class, may be it was in older version of away3d, so I want to know where can I get latest tutorial, or atleast some instruction on how to start working with latest awaye3d gold version,



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 26 August 2012 11:37 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 8 ]

You are looking at old tutorials. Have a look at the more recent ones in the tutorial section of this site, and at the examples in the away3d-examples-fp11 repository at GitHub:



ganesh, Member
Posted: 26 August 2012 06:33 PM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 9 ]

Thanks Richard.



kaan, Newbie
Posted: 27 September 2012 02:16 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 10 ]

i get the same “1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before rightbrace.”, “1100: Syntax error: XML does not have matching begin and end tags.” and
“1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before end of program.” errors on Line:206 when tried to fallow the Creating 3D games and apps with Away3D 4 and Stage 3D – Part 1: Setting up a 3D project in 30 minutes tutorial.
As Richard Olsson suggested i tried to run

import flash.display.Stage3D;
Stage3D stage.stage3DS[0]

and succeeded.
Any tips on the reason why i can run the code above and get error on the tutorial.
Thanks in advance.



80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 27 September 2012 03:28 PM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 11 ]


@everyone that uses the flash IDE for coding: i started coding as3 with the flash IDE, some years ago (when as3 wasnt arround). when as3 was released i tryed flashdevelop, and since than i never used the flash IDE for any coding at all.
the flash IDE is great for creating assets like animated vectorgraphics (movieclips) and such, but flashdevelop beats it in any way when it comes down to coding.
Syntax highlighting, codecompletion, compile-time, file managment - everything is MUCH better in flashdevelop.
on top of that: flashdevelop is 100% free and very easy to use.
its not only great for as3, i use it for html, xml, php, css and python too.

dont wanna sound like a salesman for that programm, but i really see no point in using flash IDE for stage3d coding, when you can have something like flashdevelop instead.



sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…


ganesh, Member
Posted: 28 September 2012 05:55 AM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 12 ]

Hi, prozen, I also installed flashDeveloper, but when ever I test my script it opens flashcs4 and compile, is there any way to complie and test codes without using any other flash ide. I am very new to FlashDeveloper just installed it and dont know much about configuring it.

I also noticed that when I test Away3ds code in FlashCS6 it takes longer to compile where as compiling in FlashDeveloper takes lesser time. Can you suggest what should I do?



80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 28 September 2012 05:51 PM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 13 ]

hi ganesh

in flashdevelop you have a lot of different project-templates to choose from.

the one you wanne use is a as3-project, not a flashIDE project.
you could also use a flex-project, if you plan to use any of the flexcomponents in your project.

if you have opened a as3-project, hit f5 to compile. you can also use the little play-button on top menu.
you can use the flashIDE for compiling out of flashdevelop, but i dont think that makes to much sense. (since flashdevelop compiles much faster)

if you still have trouble, try install the flash debugplayer 11.4 again.
go to project->properties and check the combobox “Test Project”.
There you can choose what player to use for testing your swf. you can even choose to “open Document” (usefull for opening html with swf in browser) or “run custom Command” (never used that). i always use “Play: FlashViewer Default”, and it works fine for me (opens flashdebugplayer).

make shure to add the away3d library (adding a classpath under project->properties or right click on swc and choose “Add to library”).

when building the final swf make shure to switch the compiling mode from “debug” to “release”, and hit f8 instead of f5 (command “build” instead of “test”)

hope that helps




sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…


ganesh, Member
Posted: 29 September 2012 07:16 AM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 14 ]

Wow prozen, thats a nice tutorial for beginner, I will follow your steps and if I stuck somewhere I will not hesitate to ask you.



ganesh, Member
Posted: 30 September 2012 06:59 PM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 15 ]

hi prozen ,

Thanks for the idea of using flashdeveloper, it compiles tremendously faster than FlashCS6. FlashCS6 takes 8-10 sec to compile, where as flashdeveloper takes a fractions of seconds, it just like normal ctrl+enter.

But I have some issues. Bye default flashdeveloper compiles in fp10.2, and each time for each project I have to manually set fp11.2. How can I make this auto selected

Another problem I am getting with this line of code

private var _myCube = new CubeGeometry(100)
with this code flash compile but shows a warning “_myCube” has no type declaration.

and then when I write
private var _myCube:CubeGeometry;
_myCube = new CubeGeometry(100)

// then it does not compile and shows error like “conflict exists with definition _myCube in namespace internal”

please suggest.




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