Shadow method in large scene causes lines

Software: Away3D 4.x

synkarius, Member
Posted: 13 August 2012 12:00 AM   Total Posts: 64

Hi all. I’m using a large scene (camera.lens.far == 30000) because I want to render a city and have a lot of buildings in sight all at once. Yet it seems that such a large lens.far value is causing me some issues with shadows.

FilteredShadowMapMethod pic
SoftShadowMapMethod pic

The ground plane is just a primitive Mesh/PlaneGeometry with a TextureMaterial which is using a normal map. The shadow methods, and all of the textures in the scene including the ground use a DirectionalLight. All of the textures are also using a single FogMethod.

Is there anything I can do to fix this besides decreasing the lens.far value?



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