Alpha Material Inside an alpha material not showing up

Software: Away3D 4.x

Wucka, Newbie
Posted: 08 August 2012 02:29 PM   Total Posts: 23

Hello all,

I am trying to create a glass globe with alpha properties. Within that globe I am placing other objects that also have alpha properties. When I do this the objects inside do not appear. If I take off a piece of the globe, I can see the objects there with the alpha applied, but if I move the camera to where the line of sight is through the alpha of the globe, the inner object goes away.

I am also tried to look into prefab. I set up the scene there and everything works like I would expect, so I have looked at the code that I can get generated for materials and tried the different alphaBlending and alphaThreshold but nothing has worked to this point.

I am sure this is a simple value change or something I am just blind to it at this point.

Any help will he much appreciated,




Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 09 August 2012 07:12 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

This sounds like an alpha bug that accidentally sneaked into Away3D 4.0 just before the gold release. We had fixed it, but it was accidentally reverted in the merge. The fix is back in the master branch now, but we have not updated the file here on the download section.

You can download the master branch as a zip archive (if you prefer not to use Git) from

Let us know whether this solves the problem!



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