Max AWD and groups

Software: Away3D 4.x

John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 31 July 2012 04:09 PM   Total Posts: 732

Been trying to go from Maya > fbx > Max >awd
While doing so noticed theres something wrong with groups and the awd exporter in max.

Using 3ds Max exporter 1.0.2 (3ds Max 2012, 64 bit)
So did a quick test using max only.
Created 3 cubes grouped two of them as in the screen shot.
After export the awd export shows the sceond screen shot.

While im here another issue
Tried compiling the awd for maya in vs2008.
Get an error trying to open the solution for awd/pyd, its been created in later version of vs.
So tried vs2010 that opens and compiles it but when trying to load the plugin in Maya it wont load.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 01 August 2012 07:36 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Please file both of these issues as (separate) bugs in the AWD issue tracker at I’ll .have some questions, but I’ll ask them in the comments there.



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