Depth and Stencil on Android

Software: Away3D 4.x

FeffersHat, Newbie
Posted: 21 July 2012 10:26 AM   Total Posts: 21

I’ve tried everything but I cannot get depth and stencil to work. Setting it to true in my application.xml file and packaging the app only creates the error:

Application.InitialWindow.DepthAndStencil is an unexpected element/attribute 

My swf-version is set to 13 and if it was set to 15, when packaging, I’d get the same error. If you want me to send my files, I’d gladly send them.

The reason why I want depth and stencil to be set to true is that, although when playing the app on my computer runs fine, on my android there are z sorting issues of some sort. For example, my character cube will be on top of everything, instead of being behind a wall.

I am using the latest version of Away3D + Flash Develop. Thanks for reading. (:

Edit: Also, just wanted to say that I’ve set enableDepthAndStencil in the stage3dproxy class. Doesn’t make a difference on android, though.

Edit2: Oh, wow. I just downloaded the new Flash Develop with Air 3.3 on it and now DepthAndStencil works with swf-version 15. I’m sorry for making this post :(


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 21 July 2012 12:39 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Stage3D for AIR requires AIR 3.2 or later, and you probably had an older version of the AIR SDK, which would explain why the packager didn’t recognize that XML element.

So to others reading this post, make sure you have AIR 3.2 or later.



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