How Can I Simulating motion in mesh.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Edson moura, Newbie
Posted: 20 July 2012 01:28 AM   Total Posts: 5

Hi All,

I would like a little help,

I started to use away3D 4 gold recently and I am stuck in this situation.

Please take a look at url below.

I took this tower for a guide and I started to use as a marker, around the tower we can see a few cubes, my question is:

How can I use these as button with animation inside ( as buttons in the top / sides ) how can I do it? Is that possible?

I would like when the user leave the mouse over the button, I will start a animation inside the plane / cube.


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 20 July 2012 11:26 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Yes, you can play an animation when the user leaves their mouse cursor over an object. Can you describe what kind of animation you’re after though?



Edson moura, Newbie
Posted: 20 July 2012 02:11 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 2 ]

Hi Richard, how are you?

Hope you’re well!!!

The animation would be, when the cursor over an object will appear a balloon, I will attached an image to describe it better.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 20 July 2012 02:15 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 3 ]

For that I would probably just use a Sprite3D, if it needs to be in 3D at all, or a regular Flash display list sprite on top of everything if there’s no need for it to be in 3D. To animate it in, just tween it’s scale or alpha or whatever with whatever tweening engine you are already using in your project.



Edson moura, Newbie
Posted: 20 July 2012 02:18 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 4 ]

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. I will try to do it and then I will update the post to see is it.




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