Away3D 4 Gold Examples

Software: Away3D 4.x

XseTioN, Newbie
Posted: 20 July 2012 12:13 AM   Total Posts: 2

hi there,
I’m kind of new to 3D in Flash,
and i have a conceptual issue about working the examples of flash libraries.
I’ve downloaded the examples files from the download page,
and extract them on the away3d folder on my pc.

what do i need to do now to see the examples in action?
do i need to wrap them with my own application?
or there is a sample work through?

I’m using FlashBuilder 4.5



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 20 July 2012 11:06 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

All of the examples that begin with the Basic_, Intermediate_ and Advanced_ are application classes. You can right click them in Flash Builder and select “Set as default application”. If all your paths are set up correctly you can then just build and run it.

Note that with Flash Builder 4.5, the default Flex SDK does not contain the dependencies necessary to build Flash Player 11 content. Make sure you have that set up first by downloading the latest Flex SDK and putting it in place.


XseTioN, Newbie
Posted: 21 July 2012 06:57 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 2 ]

thanks for the reply,
I’m still having trouble understanding the process of getting the example working. do i need to wrap the example with a new project? and if so, how?

I read this tutorial
and its says that there should be a FlashBuilder project file in the sample zip file that I can simply import to my package explorer, but there isn’t. 

I also have problems with the Flash Player 11. I downloaded the Flex/AIR SDK (Flex SDK SDK) from here shoul.d I download an additional specific version of Falsh Player or the SDK should come with one?
the thing is I added the -swf-version=13 to the compiler arguments and <renderMode>direct</renderMode> to the application.xml file.
but I still get this error
Error #2044: Unhandled ErrorEvent:. text=Error #3702: Context3D not available.

one last thing, on all the tutorials (also the 3.x) it say that I should use addChild to add my view. but I’m getting this error
Error: addChild() is not available in this class. Instead, use addElement() or modify the skin, if you have one.
I by pass it with
var uic:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
but I want to use the common practice. what am I doing wrong?



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 21 July 2012 09:46 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 3 ]

It sounds like you are creating a Flex project? Unless you really need Flex, you should probably create a pure ActionScript project instead.

The tutorial that you are looking at is not using the examples from the away3d-examples-fp11 repository, but a dedicated example for just that tutorial. That examples does contain Flash Builder project files.

To use the examples in away3d-examples-fp11, create a new ActionScript project in the root folder of that repository. The src folder will be automatically configured as a source folder. In that folder, from within Flash Builder, you can right click the application files (e.g. and set it as default application. Then build and run the project.



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