About Unused event listeners

Software: Away3D 4.x

Vladimir Minkin, Newbie
Posted: 18 July 2012 09:37 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hello. Congratulation about new release!
Now i search and look for my main 3D Flash Engine for mobile game development and this is my first time try to play with Away3D. As i’m a little paranoic about performance within flashplayer i first try to look at View3D constructor. And i find a “unused” listeners at line 147, 148 (see image 1, below) they stay on system after do his work and it’s not good for performance, especially on mobile platforms (see image 2, below). And also i worry about two listeners at line 109, 110 on ContextMenuItem (_menu0, _menu1).

Why you not remove them or disable after it’s no longer needed?

P.S. The same thing i found at Minko Engine.

image 1: http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/663/away3dlistener01.png
image 2: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/5307/away3dlistener02.png

Thanks you.
Best Regards,
Vladimir Minkin (vk.com/dqvsra)


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 18 July 2012 10:45 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

They are in fact still needed, because they are there to detect if you move the View3D object within the display list, or perhaps between stages (as in AIR you have several stages.) If it moves, the Stage3D object has to be updated with new global coordinates for the back-buffer rectangle.

Have you measured a significant performance decrease because of these two event listeners?



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