ColorMaterial Alpha Issue on Galaxy Tab2 with Ice Cream Sandwich

Software: Away3D 4.x

jdeluca, Newbie
Posted: 11 July 2012 08:27 PM   Total Posts: 28

I need help resolving an issue with the alpha property of ColorMaterial. My object is only visible with a alpha value.

Specs: Galaxy Tab 2, Android 4.0.3, Air 3.3, Away 3d 4.0.0 Beta swc, render mode=direct

If I use the code below, then the object is invisible:

var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff);
var mesh:Mesh = Mesh(myLoader.getChildAt(0));
mesh.material = colorMat;

The line that doesn’t work is:
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff);

It does not work with:(Object completely invisible)
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff, 1);
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff, 0);
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff, 1.0);

What does work is:(Any decimal)
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff, .9);
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff, .3);
var colorMat:ColorMaterial= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff, .1);

The same goes for other materials. I do not want any transparency on my models.

Is there something I can do to fix this? I was using away3d 4.0.110915 Alpha but had the same issue there.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 11 July 2012 09:34 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

This sounds extremely weird. I have not heard of any issues like this before. Can you try using the release branch from GitHub and see if the issue remains there? If it does, please file a bug report at as soon as possible. Thanks!


jdeluca, Newbie
Posted: 11 July 2012 10:29 PM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 2 ]

Thank you! Looks like the new release branch fixed the issue. I was almost positive it was something I did wrong.



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