Newb: Only displaying things ‘on screen’

Software: Away3D 4.x

Babylon, Jr. Member
Posted: 09 July 2012 07:53 AM   Total Posts: 39

Hello, I’ve been trying to figure out how I can have my view only show what is on the stage and visible. Say only a few faces of a Square is visible, or if an object is behind another.

I generate 30 cubes and I start to lose framerate. My laptop graphics card does suck, but I wouldn’t think something like a few cubes would really start killing it.

private function init(Event null) : void 
private function initEngine():void
.scaleMode StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.quality StageQuality.LOW;
_light = new PointLight();
_light.= -4000;
_view = new View3D();
_view.focusRect true;
_view.scene.addChild(_light); springcam; 10000;;;
// += 2000; 25;
private function initLights():void
= new PointLight();
_light.= -4000;
private function initText():void
private function initPhysics():void{
//physicsWorld.gravity = new Vector3D(0,0,0);
private function initMaterial():void{
= new ColorMaterial(0x252525);
private function initMesh():void{
= new StaticLightPicker([_light]);
ground = new Mesh();
mesh = new Mesh();
meshes = new Vector.<Mesh>();
private function initShapeBody():void
= new AWPStaticPlaneShape(new Vector3D(010));
groundRigidbody = new AWPRigidBody(groundShapeground0);
shape null;
body null;
private function initObjects():void
= new AWPDebugDraw(_viewphysicsWorld);
//Draw ground
material  = new ColorMaterial(0x252525);
material.lightPicker _lightPicker;
ground = new Mesh();
ground.geometry = new PlaneGeometry(5000050000);
ground.material material;
groundShape = new AWPStaticPlaneShape(new Vector3D(010));
groundRigidbody = new AWPRigidBody(groundShapeground0);

//Draw cube
var i:int 0;
   for (
= new ColorMaterial(0xfc6a11);
material.lightPicker _lightPicker;
mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.geometry = new CubeGeometry(1515 i*1515111);
mesh.material material;
shape = new AWPBoxShape(151515);
body = new AWPRigidBody(shapemesh1);
body.fricti    body.positi Vector3D(-10006000);
body.mass 1;
body.gravity = new Vector3D(000);
// make box collision enabled with other all rigidbodies
   //physicsWorld.addRigidBodyWithGroup(body, collsionBox, collsionGround);
private function initChildren():void
this.addChild(new AwayStats(_view));
private function initListener():void
//stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
   //stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
//_view.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
private function rotateMeshes():void
var i:int 0;
   for (
030i++){     //meshes[i].rotati
meshes[i].rotate(new Vector3D(020), 10);
material = new ColorMaterial(0xfc6a11 *Math.random());
meshes[i].material material;
//meshes[i].visible = false;
private function handleEnterFrame(Event) : void
.target mesh;
springcam.mass 10;  
springcam.damping 4;  
springcam.stiffness 1;  
//Try to look 100 units in front of target  
springcam.lookOffset = new Vector3D(000);   
//Try to stay 100 units behind target. 
rotateMeshes();    springcam.positi Vector3D(020, -650);

Under initOject -> DrawCube is where the action of drawing the cube is at. initEngine is where the spring camera is set up.

Any optimization examples compatible with FP11 Away3D and :AwayPhysics v0.68 (23-11-2011) would be great.

EDIT: You might see ‘rotateMeshes’ and it actually changes the material of every square every second. This was just me seeing how badly I could destroy my framerate after my initial inquery on frame rate. Can be ignored.

I do have access to this book:

which talks about Level-of-detail (LOD). I haven’t specifically been able to get it to work, but I figured it didn’t matter since my segments on the cubes were already set to 1, 1, 1.

To my understanding back-face culling is also set so that my screen only draws the triangles it needs to?

I’d like to learn how to get _view.clipping.objectCulling = true; or any type of clipping to work. I can’t seem to find the import for it, since import away3d.core.clip doesn’t exist for me.

I guess my polygon count is only 366, so can I safely assume that the framerate is dropping because my laptop is bad?


kochumvk, Newbie
Posted: 09 July 2012 09:24 AM   Total Posts: 17   [ # 1 ]

To improve frame rates you can take few simple steps.
1.Reuse geometry
2.Reuse material(if possible)

In your case you are creating new geometry every time you create a cube.
You can use scaleX,scaleY scaleZ properties of mesh to achieve different sized cubes.

I have managed in excess of 3000 cubes without any trouble.


Babylon, Jr. Member
Posted: 09 July 2012 10:35 AM   Total Posts: 39   [ # 2 ]

Thanks for the advice, I didn’t realize I could re-use the geometry in that way.
It shows me that my laptop uses software to run the program rather than my GPU, even though I have flash player 11 and it shows my graphics card is compatible with flash’s GPU rendering I can’t figure out how to activate it. Any ideas?


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 09 July 2012 10:59 AM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 3 ]

Make sure wmode = direct in the html ?

Another thing is you create new materials all the time it seems : since each mesh already has a different one you can just change materials colors instead of creating new ones.



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