Boolean operations on polygons.

Software: Away3D 4.x

D.M., Newbie
Posted: 04 July 2012 04:26 PM   Total Posts: 5

I need to subtract one mesh from another and get something like hole. I found similar functionality on javascript ( But I didn’t find any useful info about that in away3d.
Is it possible to make it using away3d functionality? Maybe you have any idea how to make this? Or I have only one solution - make port from another libs?

Thanks for the help.


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 05 July 2012 07:37 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

There is no such feature in Away3D. You will likely need to port another library (if there are none for AS3 already.)

If you make a port specifically for Away3D, and licensing permits, we would consider merging your port into Away3D. It could be a great contribution!



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