StageWebView (H.264 video) as a texture?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Lucid, Member
Posted: 21 June 2012 02:48 PM   Total Posts: 93

Is it possible to use an instance of StageWebView (H.264 video) as a texture on an object in Away3D 4.0?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 21 June 2012 05:53 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Do you really mean StageWebView (which is a WebKit implementation unless I’m mistaken) or do you mean StageVideo (GPU-accelerated H.264 decoding)? Anyway, there is no way of retrieving the output generated by any of those APIs and using it as a texture, I’m afraid. At some point we expect Adobe to enable at least access to the StageVideo output as textures, but it’s not in any of the released players.



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