Parallax Displacement

Software: Away3D 4.x

Shegl, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 June 2012 01:58 PM   Total Posts: 134

Would be nice to have this map method in Away3d release.
Any ideas to how implement this, or will be in future away3d have it ?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 16 June 2012 11:11 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]


That is a great suggestion, and as far as I know it should be possible even under the restrictions imposed by Stage3D. The best thing you can do if you don’t want to implement it yourself is to create an issue report over on GitHub, which will make sure that we don’t forget about it (otherwise we likely will.) That way we can consider implementing it for a future release of Away3D.



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