cartoon look, diffuse colors, lights

Software: Away3D 4.x

TrueSign, Member
Posted: 04 June 2012 11:51 AM   Total Posts: 57


Could someone explain me directional light properties? xDir, yDir and zDir. I used trident and tried few properties and it didn’t work as I thought. -1 is opposite to axis arrow? and 1 is along with arrow axis? And 0 will be ? Do you know a set of 3 point light that I can use to lid up whole scene evenly? I can see weird looking shaded on my mashes. I don’t need any shadows or anything like this.

Is there a way to make a cartoony look like a toon filter or something? I would like to achieve a cartoon look in my game. I have been tried many different options with specular, gloss and light but I can’t find a solution that suit me.

This is a game: You can see there that all meshes normals and diffuse color are not quite well. Any advice here?


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 04 June 2012 12:01 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

Fire up Prefab and make a DirectionalLight, the directionPicker should answer a few of your questions. Plus you can copy (pressing the away logo) the exact definition you set.

As about you normals, load one of your sheep, select it and hit the debug btn to see if your normals are correct.

You could take a look at CelDiffuseMethod for a cartoonish look.



TrueSign, Member
Posted: 04 June 2012 06:11 PM   Total Posts: 57   [ # 2 ]

Thank you Fabrice. I have downloaded prefab version 2 today and I will take a look at new features and test this out. Nice job with v2. Congrats

How does that debug function works? In attachments you can see my screen. Is it fine that so many beans come from my mesh?




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