Problem upgrading from version 3.6 to 4.0

Software: Away3D 3.x

BrianMcC, Newbie
Posted: 03 June 2012 12:08 PM   Total Posts: 4

I am using Flash CS5.5. I cannot make the switch from Away3D 3.6 to version 4.0, not in CS5.5 or saving as CS5. When I baked my SWF first time I tried to switch from 3.6 to 4.0, I keep getting an error: TextureBase. I Googled the problem and found a tutorial that had me do the following steps, all to no avail:
1. Download the latest playerglobal.swc from Adobe, which I did
2. In Adobe>FlashcS5.5>Common>Configurations>Players folder create an FP11 folder and put the new playerglobal.swc in there. Did that.
3. In the Common>Configurations>PlayersActionscript 3 folder do a save as off of the FlashPlayer10_2.xml file, renaming it FlashPlayer11.xml and tweak the xml (version=13, id=“FlashPlayer11”, etc.), been there done that.
4. In Flash Publish Settings, target FlashPlayer11, but only versions through 10.2 appear, even after multiple restarts of Flash and my PC.
5. So, I tried making the FP11 xml tweaks to the 10.2 xml version also, since that appeared to be the targeted file. All to no avail.
6. Baked the SWF and was happy to see the TextureBase error finally go away—but only to be replaced by a Loader3DEvent error, as in no such class. I checked the away3d/events pkg to find that indeed that Class is no more. I also noticed in primitives that Cube, Plane, Cylinder, et al are also gone or renamed, so I would imagine getting errors on all those Classes, too, if I ever got that far in compiling the SWF.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I have struggled with this issue for quite some time, and continue to work in 3.6 as a result. Also, can anyone tell me if there’s some way to know if GPU acceleration is actually working in my SWF made using 3.6 but running in the browser in FP11.2? It seems to be running a little slow compared to some of the demos I have seen. Thanks in advance for any assistance! Much appreciated, Brian


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 16 June 2012 01:01 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Away3D 4.0 is a complete rewrite from scratch, so many of the old class names do not match their equivalence in Away3D 4.0, while some don’t exist anymore at all.

I suggest you try to write a simple project from scratch (e.g. by following a tutorial) using Away3D 4.0 to get a feel for it, before you try to port existing Away3D 3.6 code to 4.0. You need to get the basic understanding of how 4.0 works and how it’s different from 3.6 before you will be able to do any porting efficiently, and the best way to gain such understanding is by using it from a clean slate without trying to apply old concepts to it which may no longer be applicable.



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