Hi. I have tried to set up my Flash Builder 4.5 environment from the Away 3D 3.6 Essentials book instructions at the beginning of the book where it instructs to use Flex Builder or Flash Builder.
It seems that even though I follow the book to the letter I’m getting errors stating that Scene3D, Camera3D, and View3D cannot be found or are not compile-type constants. I then try to continue and I get a black Internet Explorer window with my compiled HTML file. I then try to create the Sphere Demo AS file but when I try to run it it says that there is no SphereDemo.html file. I easily created this file from the Away3DTemplate.html file but I think that was a bad step. I also do not know why my constants which I can view in my project Explorer cannot be found as I stated near the beginning of this post.
Any help is greatly appreciated.