Glitch in the texture of an inverted sphere

Software: Away3D 4.x

Dr Schizo, Newbie
Posted: 31 May 2012 06:19 PM   Total Posts: 11


I’m trying to make a solar system 3D representation.

The star and the planets are spheric meshes.
The stars in the background are a textured and inverted spheric meshes:

sphere = new SphereGeometry(10000086);
mesh = new Mesh(sphere);

By positioning a HoverCamera3D inside this sphere and looking at it from the inside, I have created a Spherical Panorama viewer.

As you can see in the attached pictures, there is a glitch - a black hole - in the texture. With few segments, it doesn’t appear often. But when the number of segments increase, the hole get more persistant and it looks like there were a black sphere at the center of the sphere.

In other word, in the lower exemple of the attached image, the black sphere doesn’t exist. It is obnly a bug in the texture.

What should I do to get rid of it?

Thank you a lot for reading this post and maybe to answer to it.

Dr Schizo



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 16 June 2012 01:14 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Make sure you have a big enough value for your Camera3D.lens.far property to not exclude parts of the huge sphere you’re using.

Also, consider using a SkyBox for this kind of thing instead.



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