Weir bug or mistake on chrome

Software: Away3D 4.x

charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 02 May 2012 05:37 AM   Total Posts: 36


May be this is a server error, or i dont know..

I made a test web template with away 3d.. very basics,
and it happened with a test game too.

what i do, is to load an xml file, some images, create a cube with this imagenes, and rotate this cube.

it works fine in my computer. (web browser or directly form flash player) but in the browser(in the server), it requires for me to change tab, or minimize window and then restore to show..

I know its loaded, couse if u click on the link (even when u see nothing) it send you to its proper web link page.

but this only happens in google chrome, it works ok in ie and firefox.

any ideas why this is happening??

the page is

thx a lot.

(ps:i allready trayed to reinstall chrome, but still in the same problem)




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