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MouseEvent3D dosn’t work properly after an update [SOLVED]

Software: Away3D 4.x

GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 02 May 2012 04:11 AM   Total Posts: 33


I’m working in a big project using away3d 4 beta and I have a problem with clicking meshes within an ObjectContainer3D after a version update from git of Away3d 4 beta.

If the meshes intersect, smaller meshes aren’t clickable anymore if they are within the bounds area of a bigger mesh. If I do a mouseEnable = false to the bigger mesh, the smaller one are clickable again.

The small meshes aren’t clickable even if they are not ‘visually’ intersecting the bigger mesh. It looks like the intersections happens with the virtual bounds of the meshes. (give a look to the image)

It’s very strange, the code was still working in a previous git version of away3D 4 beta, but now it’s not working anymore and I didn’t change anything within the code.

Enabling mouseChildren=true and mouseEnabled=true for the bigger mesh and for the ObjectContainer3D doesn’t helps.

Any idea?

I’ve solved it by myself changing the MouseHitMethod of the bigger mesh:


It’s very strange that in the previous github version of Away3D 4 beta it was working without changing the MouseHitMethod. rolleyes



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