keyboard enable problem

Software: Away3D 4.x

Qbrain, Member
Posted: 22 April 2012 04:17 PM   Total Posts: 92

Hey There, I got a little problem:

I use WASD to walk my first person character around the screen. Now, I also load an external interactive 2D SWF into the stage at specific time. This SWF uses keyboard disable and keyboard enable at specific points.
When I use keyboard disable, the whole keyboard gets disabled, which is good, because I don’t want people to walk around when using the SWF.

However, when the external swf calls the keyboard enable method, the keyboard gets enabled inside the external swf, but not in the 3D app.

So basicly the keyboard.enable method doesnt work in away3D when calling it from an external swf file.

Does anyone have a solution/workaround for this?





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