possibly bug with FaceHelper.addFace

Software: Away3D 4.x

PabloCr, Newbie
Posted: 20 April 2012 06:46 PM   Total Posts: 9

I have such code:

var colorMaterial ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0x00ff00);
colorMaterial.bothSides true;
geom:Geometry = new PlaneGeometry(320,32) as Geometry;

res:Mesh = new Mesh(geomcolorMaterial);
//res.mouseEnabled = true;
FaceHelper.addFace(res, new Vertex(-160016), new Vertex(160016), new Vertex(00128), new UV(00), new UV(500), new UV(5050), 0);
res.mouseEnabled true

whole this mesh should be mouse enabled, right? but mouse events triggered only on initail subgeometry (plane), not on second (added face). event handler attached to the scene. is this bug or just need to add some code?
p.s. tried to set mouseEnabled before/after adding face, before/after adding mesh to the scene - same result


PabloCr, Newbie
Posted: 23 April 2012 05:42 PM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 1 ]

attached little demo, for the plane mouse click event firing well, but for added triangle not. should this thread be moved to bug reports or this is not a bug, can anybody answer?


File Attachments
AddFaceBugDemo.as  (File Size: 3KB - Downloads: 244)


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