Is there support for pre-baked light maps?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Sinisa, Newbie
Posted: 19 April 2012 09:04 AM   Total Posts: 8

Hello everyone,

I’ve tried to find answer to this browsing through Away3D source and online documentation/forum, but I couldn’t find if Away3D supports this, and if so, how’s it done.

First to describe what I am currently doing:

1. All my objects have diffuse, normal and specular map,
which is using UV channel 1.

2. In addition, they all have ambient map (which is baked light/shadows/AOO map), for UV channel 2, where each mesh has stored unwrapped mapping coordinates.

3. When I load OBJ file in Away3D, after lights/material setup, scene renders great, shadowing works, bumps & specular are all there.

What I would like to achieve:

I would like to see pre-baked ambient map (which has nice ambient-occlusion map, or so-called ‘skylight’) to improve realism. It should have it’s fragment blended with base diffuse+normal+specular resulting fragment, with some function like Modulate x2 (similar to ‘overlay’ in Photoshop). I already have these maps rendered in 3d modeling tool, and UV2 added to all objects.


Is this possible in current version of Away3D? If yes, can anyone give me a direction, where to look for solution? If not with ‘regular’ Away3D material & methods, are there any workarounds to achieve this effect?



Ontheronix, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 April 2012 03:21 PM   Total Posts: 37   [ # 1 ]

Are the examples not a help in this?


Sinisa, Newbie
Posted: 20 April 2012 06:51 AM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 2 ]

Dear Ontheronix,

In examples there is no such case, where 2 mapping channels are used, and where 2nd channel has texture with blending mode over resulting image of 1st channel (which is combination of diffuse, normal and specular texture).

I wouldn’t post this here if there is an example that shows this case. Or if there is an answer anywhere on internet (I’m google-ing this for few days already).



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