One Mesh, Lot of SubMesh = Lot of small meshes ?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Rayen123, Member
Posted: 17 April 2012 12:35 AM   Total Posts: 70

I have a question. I know that better is have one big mesh then lot of small meshes. So if I create one Mesh and I will cloned planeGeometry submesh to them, it will be like one big Mesh or like lot of small meshes ?

var _meshWorld:mesh = new Mesh();
//(in cycle, _meshPlaneTemp:SubGeometry is planeGeometry)
var _meshPlaneTemp:SubGeometry = _meshPlane.subGeometries[0].clone();
var translate:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
translate.appendTranslation(_worldPosX*_cubeSize, _worldPosZ*_cubeSize, _worldPosY*_cubeSize);
_meshPlaneTemp.applyTransformation(translate); _meshWorld.geometry.addSubGeometry(_meshPlaneTemp);
_worldContainer.addChild( _meshWorld );

This is my code. If I have 50x50 planes world, FPS is rapidly slow. I think this is like lot of small objects. I must merge them, or exist speedest way how to create mesh with adding submeshPlane to it and this mesh will be like one big mesh (without merge)?

(maybe I doing something wrong)
Thanks for answer

edit: nobody ? :(((



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