iOS app crashes when loading textures

Software: Away3D 4.x

lechatpotte, Newbie
Posted: 16 April 2012 10:05 AM   Total Posts: 4


I developped an application which display some panels (10 at the same time) with 1024x1024 textures.

The first time the textures are loaded, it’s OK (it takes 4-5 seconds for the view to render after that)
If i destroy the view3d object, recreate one and try to insert the same 10 panels, the app crashes and goes back to the home screen (sometimes it takes 3 times to crash).

This doesn’t occur with 512x512 textures, but I need better quality.

Maybe there’s an overflow with memory, or other physical component ?

I’m using away3d 4 / Air 3.2 / Flex 4.6 / Flash Player 11.2 (swf-version=15)

Thanks smile



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