Constraint “hardness”

Software: Away3D 4.x

tsu, Newbie
Posted: 13 April 2012 01:01 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hello all!

I’ve been working with away3D and awayPhysics for about a month now, and I couldn’t be more pleased by the ease of use and performance of them.

Most of the things I’ve manged to learn on my own, except for one thing:
How to make constraints more “harder” so that heavy objects won’t “stretch” away from the constraint-point?

I’m building an excavator machine, and the joints in its arm are giving me a headache. Its a long beam which consists of three long poles and constraints between them. Using the machine causes big forces compared to the size of the arm, which makes the parts it is made off stretch away from each others.

Mass of the objects jointed together seems to affect the strength of the constraint, but I cannot just increase the mass of the parts, for that doesnt solve the problem. The heavier the parts are, more force is needed to operate the machine swiftly and the same problem happens again.

I tried to adjust the softness of constraints, but that didn’t seem to have any effect at all and so I don’t even know what the ‘limitSoftness’ even does to the constraint.

And so I’d like to ask if there’s a function which makes a constraint more solid or do I have to manually listen if those two jointed objects move away from each others and apply a force depending on the distance of them?

Thanks in advance!



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