Runtime error on Android

Software: Away3D 4.x

Phasor, Newbie
Posted: 09 April 2012 07:24 PM   Total Posts: 5

I’ve been trying the Away3d 4 beta examples for flash player 11 on my Android smartphone (Galaxy S Plus). The problem is that in most examples the phone hangs or the app freezes.

Debugging through usb I’ve detected that it gives a runtime error. Specifically: #3684: Texture creation failed

For example, in “” it hangs at this line:
groundMaterial.shadowMethod = new FilteredShadowMapMethod(light);
Basically, when it applies the shadowMethod. If I comment the two lines that apply the shadow, it works.

In “” it hangs when it applies the “subSurface” to the head texture. If I comment this line it works (but consumming ver much of the ram): headMaterial.diffuseMethod = subsurfaceMethod;

I’m starting to think that it is a thing of memory. Maybe is the size of the textures, the number of polygons or something that consumes much ram in away3d.

I understand that these are computer optimized examples, but most smartphones have very low memory footprint. Specifically, my Galaxy S Plus has about 512Mb of ram memory. When I execute the app its about 180Mb free memory, and I suppose that many phones do not have much free ram at system start (I have very few processes in the background, and have the system 2.3.6 clean, recently installed).

Maybe its not the memory and has something to do with away3d or stage3d/AIR?.

Thank you!



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