How to set up away4.0 beta to run in Flash?

Software: Away3D 4.x

happyphotons, Newbie
Posted: 05 April 2012 08:15 PM   Total Posts: 1

How does one setup away3d 4.0 to run in Flash?

Where is the pb folder supposed to be located?

I think I have everything installed :

FP 11.0

Downloaded all the content.
  -running of the source files, not the swc.
  -have the source files in the Source Path

Created an fla and made the “” the document class.
got a compiler error stating that I missed the pbj file:
  -added the pb folder here : away3d/core/raycast/

still stuck on the same compile error :
/away3d/core/raycast/colliders/, Line 15
unable to resolve ‘/../pb/RayTriangleKernel.pbj’ for transcoding


ASWC, Member
Posted: 06 April 2012 02:21 AM   Total Posts: 76   [ # 1 ]

Don’t feel bad, I ran into the same problems and I bet other people did too. Maybe it’s a way for the Away3D people to make sure only a ‘certain level’ of coders use away3D, dunno. Anyway the ;real’ pb folder doesn’t come with the source files, you have to find it in the examples files (yeah there’s two pb folders). So make sure you have the right one (check if the right files are inside). Then paste that folder a level above your output folder. Or even get directly in the faulty class (forgot the name of it but it’s showing in the error) and edit directly the path there.


Ontheronix, Jr. Member
Posted: 06 April 2012 12:25 PM   Total Posts: 37   [ # 2 ]

I think you need 11.2, also you’ll need to replace the debug player of Flash with the 11.2 version and use the debug function (Ctrl+Shift+Enter), because Flash does’nt support the preview (Ctrl+Enter) of >11.0 yet… For so far is I know…
I’m working with it know so ask along.


Fisa, Newbie
Posted: 10 March 2014 05:31 AM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 3 ]

I had the same problem, but I resolved it. You just need to copy a folder named “pb” to one upper level of your “away3d” folder directory.

When you download the away3d source from this site, you will get a folder (for me, it’s named “away3d-core-fp11-4.1.6” in which some folders (including pb) and files stored. My downloaded “away3d-core-fp11-4.1.6” folder contains:

1. pb—> The folder that is missing from project directory
2. src—> this folder contains the “away3d” folder
3. .gitignore
4. away3d-license.txt
6. README.txt

Perhaps you have coppied the away3d main framework files (“away3d” folder) which is located in “src” folder (number 2) without copying the “pb” folder to your project directory too.


Darcey, Moderator
Posted: 10 March 2014 08:52 PM   Total Posts: 209   [ # 4 ]



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