How much is the 128 MB texture limit of stage 3D?

Software: Away3D 4.x

3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 04 April 2012 05:10 AM   Total Posts: 105

I’m considering appropriate texture sizes.

The Stage3D docs advise on a 128MB limit in texture memory. 350 is available on ‘some’ devices.

Now, how many 256x256 textures is that? I’m terribly at binary math.

If I create a file in Photoshop that is 256x256 and save it as a 32-bit BMP, the file is 257kb in size. So I guess that is also the size in-memory?

According to Google: (128 megabytes) / (257 kilobytes) = 510

So I can use about 500 256x256 textures?
And about 2000 128 x 128 textures?




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