How to clone a mesh (imported from blender 2.6)?

Software: Away3D 4.x

edgar, Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 07:57 AM   Total Posts: 52

I have some tree trunks imported from blender as a mesh.

tree1Material = new ColorMaterial(0x534716);
tree1Material.bothSides = true;
tree1Material.shadowMethod = filteredShadowMapMethod;
tree1Material.lightPicker = lightPicker;
tree1Material.gloss = 100;
tree1Material.specular = 0.0;
tree1Material.ambientColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tree1Material.ambient = 0.3;
//create mesh object and assign our animation object and material object
tree1Mesh = event.asset as Mesh;
tree1Mesh.material = tree1Material;

How can I clone this mesh in order to have more trunks as a small forest?
How can I use png-files with transparency in order to show leaves?
Many thanks


edgar, Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 09:18 AM   Total Posts: 52   [ # 1 ]

I have found the solution myself.
I have to put the mesh in a container. then it works.




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