charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 22 March 2012 01:16 AM Total Posts: 36
Hi, im still trying to create a cube, with each face with diferent, color.
i tryed some crazy stuff.. like this: (6 cubes next to each other with diferents colors)
public class away3DBasico_v003 extends Sprite { public var view:View3D = new View3D(); private var cube1:CubeGeometry= new CubeGeometry(100); private var cube2:CubeGeometry= new CubeGeometry(100); private var cube3:CubeGeometry= new CubeGeometry(100); private var cube4:CubeGeometry= new CubeGeometry(100); private var cube5:CubeGeometry= new CubeGeometry(100); private var cube6:CubeGeometry= new CubeGeometry(100); private var cubeM1:ColorMaterial; private var cubeM2:ColorMaterial; private var cubeM3:ColorMaterial; private var cubeM4:ColorMaterial; private var cubeM5:ColorMaterial; private var cubeM6:ColorMaterial; public var malla1:Mesh; public var malla2:Mesh; public var malla3:Mesh; public var malla4:Mesh; public var malla5:Mesh; public var malla6:Mesh; public function away3DBasico_v003() {
cubeM1= new ColorMaterial(0xfff000); cubeM2= new ColorMaterial(0x000fff); cubeM3= new ColorMaterial(0xff4500); cubeM4= new ColorMaterial(0xB0C4D0); cubeM5= new ColorMaterial(0xff0000); cubeM6= new ColorMaterial(0xffffff); malla1 = new Mesh(cube1,cubeM1); malla2 = new Mesh(cube2,cubeM2); malla3 = new Mesh(cube3,cubeM3); malla4 = new Mesh(cube4,cubeM4); malla5 = new Mesh(cube5,cubeM5); malla6 = new Mesh(cube6,cubeM6); addChild(view); view.scene.addChild(malla1); view.scene.addChild(malla2); view.scene.addChild(malla3); view.scene.addChild(malla4); view.scene.addChild(malla5); view.scene.addChild(malla6); malla1.x+=5; malla2.x-=5; malla3.y+=5; malla4.y-=5; malla5.z+=5; malla6.z-=5;; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop); } public function loop(e:Event):void { malla1.rotationY+=1; malla2.rotationY+=1; malla3.rotationY+=1; malla4.rotationY+=1; malla5.rotationY+=1; malla6.rotationY+=1; view.render(); } }
but even this.. doesnt work if i rotate the cube..
tryed move all the cubes to the center, but still not working
i know.. there gotta be a better way.. but i just cant find it..
should i export a cube from 3d soft, with each face with a jpg texture??
appreciate all ur help.
thx a lot in advance.
happy3d, Newbie
Posted: 22 March 2012 03:39 AM Total Posts: 6
[ # 1 ]
You should draw 6 planes with different color,set their positions ,angels and group them.If it’s possible,add in a container object as chlidren.
or extend’s Cube.override the methoud about UV.i don’t know…
Vice, Member
Posted: 22 March 2012 10:20 AM Total Posts: 58
[ # 2 ]
use e. g.:
malla1.rotate(new Vector3D(0,1,0), 1);
but you should always use to put your mesh in an Object3D and than do all the rotation stuff and things like that
charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 22 March 2012 09:48 PM Total Posts: 36
[ # 3 ]
thx a lot guys..
u were really helpfull, i did just what u said and it work..
i’m posting the result.. just in case.. someone wants to do something like this in the future..
im pretty sure this code can optimized a lot.. but in the meantime
here is what i did so i can have a cube with diferents color faces..
public class away3DBasico_v003 extends Sprite
public var view:View3D = new View3D();
public var plano1:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100,100,1,1,true);//false indica si el plano esta acostado o parado
public var plano2:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100,100,1,1,true);//estos dos estaran de huevones acostados
public var plano3:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100,100,1,1,false);
public var plano4:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100,100,1,1,false);
public var plano5:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100,100,1,1,false);
public var plano6:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100,100,1,1,false);
private var plano_m1:ColorMaterial;
private var plano_m2:ColorMaterial;
private var plano_m3:ColorMaterial;
private var plano_m4:ColorMaterial;
private var plano_m5:ColorMaterial;
private var plano_m6:ColorMaterial;
public var malla1:Mesh;
public var malla2:Mesh;
public var malla3:Mesh;
public var malla4:Mesh;
public var malla5:Mesh;
public var malla6:Mesh;
//public var vector3d:Vector3D = new Vector3D(5,5,0,1);
public var contenedor:ObjectContainer3D =new ObjectContainer3D();
public function away3DBasico_v003()
view.backgroundColor= 0xB0C4DE;
plano_m1= new ColorMaterial(0x000fff);
plano_m2= new ColorMaterial(0xfff000);
plano_m3= new ColorMaterial(0xffcc00);
plano_m4= new ColorMaterial(0x909090);
plano_m5= new ColorMaterial(0x008000);
plano_m6= new ColorMaterial(0xff0000);
malla1 = new Mesh(plano1,plano_m1);
malla2 = new Mesh(plano2,plano_m2);
malla3 = new Mesh(plano3,plano_m3);
malla4 = new Mesh(plano4,plano_m4);
malla5 = new Mesh(plano5,plano_m5);
malla6 = new Mesh(plano6,plano_m6);
malla1.y+=50;//cara superior
malla2.rotationZ=180;malla2.y-=50;//cara inferior
malla3.z-=50;//cara frontal
malla4.rotationY=180;malla4.z+=50//cara atras
malla5.rotationY=90;malla5.x=-50; //cara derecha
malla6.rotationY=270;malla6.x=50; //cara izquierda;;
contenedor.pivotPoint = new Vector3D(0,1,0);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
public function loop(e:Event):void
contenedor.rotationY+=1; = 3 * (stage.mouseY - stage.stageHeight/2); = -3 * (stage.mouseX - stage.stageHeight/2);
thx a lot again..
can someone tell me how can i mark this post as finished or resolved??
thx ![smile](/images/smileys/smile.gif)