Normal vectors aren’t updating in dynamic mesh object

Software: Away3D 4.x

Autumn, Newbie
Posted: 18 March 2012 06:56 PM   Total Posts: 5


I’m new to Flash and Away3D and I’m making my first little flash animation. The animation is of a simple wave going through a planar mesh object. I’m updating all the vertices each single frame.

Everything works fine except for one thing, the normal vectors aren’t updating when I change the vertex positions. So the PhongColorMaterial doens’t look right. Right now it actually looks better in wireframe than it does when it is shaded.

Here is how it looks like now: <Link Removed>

I tried to loop through all the faces and set the .normalDirty property of each face to true. But that did not help.

Does anyone has an idea why the normals aren’t updating?


File Attachments
TriangleGrid.txt  (File Size: 8KB - Downloads: 293)


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