NOOB: Creating a complex demo in Away3D and Flash CS5.5

Software: Away3D 4.x

bleuFez, Newbie
Posted: 18 March 2012 06:01 PM   Total Posts: 1

Greetings programs!

I’m new to Away3D, but not Flash, and if it’s not too much of a bother, I’d like to ask a couple of noob questions around a project I’ve been tasked to create.

The project is an interactive Flash demo that will demo at a trade show in June. It will run on a Windows box with, at least, 8 MB of RAM, a high-end graphics card and 60” touch screen display. The demo features a 3D Earth and a timeline that coils, loosely, around the Earth. Users can tap the Earth, zoom-in and rotate the planet (using gesture controls)… likewise the same for the timeline. There will be interactive elements on both the Earth and timeline where the user can click that element and bring up a picture.

With that said, here are my questions…

1) I’ve done interactive work in Flash before… scripting 2D elements and the like… can you do the same in Away3D for 3D elements? For example, if I have the camera positioned in front of my objects at a certain distance and I click on one of those objects, can I program the camera to dolly-in towards the clicked object (and return)?

2) Can Away3D-b4 handle what I’m proposing or should I stick with Away3D-v3? I’ve managed to get Away3D (v3) running and have created a couple of examples but I understand b4, tho beta, handles 3D better based on the new Flash player 11.

3) If Away3D-b4 is better… are there any tutorials available similar to the Away3D-v3 Planet Earth tutorial? I tried replicating the Earth tutorial in Away3D-b4 but kept running into errors (mostly a change in AS classes if I read correctly).

Thanx for your time… enjoy the rest of your weekend. grin





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