DepthRenderer as the anti-Elevation class

Software: Away3D 4.x

kurono, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 March 2012 08:27 AM   Total Posts: 103

Elevation can extrude landscapes according to 2D grayscale heightmap. The question is: how is it possible to do reverse thing? I mean to use both the OrthographicLens and DepthRenderer in order to create 2D heightmap scanned at desired direction (Y-axis).
DepthRenderer’s image looks like a set of repeated color gradient. How to render it from black to white? (like the attached picture)

I’m not well-experienced in AGAL, so please give me some tips.



kurono, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 March 2012 08:31 AM   Total Posts: 103   [ # 1 ]

Of course, I can do it via Away’s built-in tools, like Fog. The workaround is to apply black Fog to the clear-white material without any lights. But it seems to be overkill.



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