Lathe Extrusion Closed to Point?

Software: Away3D 3.x

ArcadeRenegade, Newbie
Posted: 16 March 2012 06:39 PM   Total Posts: 4

Hey guys, I have a question.

I have a object which is spinning around a sphere and I want to create a motion trail effect by having a shape following it with neon color and fading.

The shape I’m looking for is a lathe from a square to about 1/4 revolutions.

Tricky part is that I want the lathe to become smaller in scale until it finally comes to a point at it’s end.

Kind of like a long sideways pyramid following the curve of the sphere.

Is this possible with the LatheExtrusion? Or should I try something else like the PathExtrusion?

Using Flash CS5.5 w/ Away3D 3.6x


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 16 March 2012 10:43 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

I would use PathExtrude because you can pass optional scalefactors per segment.



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