Something overriding Antialias?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 March 2012 01:30 AM   Total Posts: 344

Hi there, I’ve got a project which started life as a 2D product builder, but then I’ve started migrating across to/incorporating 3D functions, but replacing the static 2D rendered components for exported Objs..

All is going well, apart from something seems to be overriding the antialiasing.

I don’t think it’s anything in the project settings (using flashdevelop) , as if I set the simple test version (without any of the 2D ui stuff) it looks fine.

I’ve attached the .as but it runs into well over 6 thousand of lines of code, due to all the imports of 2d elements and .extra variables on them all…

Just wondering if there was anything that sprang to mind?


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Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 March 2012 07:29 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 1 ]

Okay, so it seems if I specify view.height and view.width, there is no more antialiasing…



3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 March 2012 07:46 PM   Total Posts: 105   [ # 2 ]

I believe backgroundColor is also reset after resizing the viewport


Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 March 2012 08:19 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 3 ]

Hmmm… Doesn’t seem to matter which order I change the size…

Ah well, I’ve just offset it with view.x -=200 in order to make it line up…



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